There are countless ways that can cause the destruction of our environment but,
we will only be tackling 8 that are important and relevant to the material.

Forest Fires

Habitat Loss


Improper Use of Land




Climate Change


Forest Fire
Forest Fires

A wildfire is an uncontrolled fire that breaks out in a wilderness setting like a forest, grassland, or plains.

Wildfires can occur anytime, anywhere, and are frequently brought on by human action or a natural occurrence like lightning.

It has an impact on the environment because it increases the temperature of the earth's surface and because the smoke produced by the fire will alter the climate of the planet. The smoke from the fire also contains harmful gasses and pollutants, which are released into the atmosphere and can cause health problems for humans and other animals. Greenhouse gasses emitted by burning trees also contribute to global warming by trapping heat in the atmosphere, raising global temperatures. 

Habitat Loss

One of the causes of damage on the planet is the loss of wildlife habitat, and climate change is one of the causes of habitat loss.

As we are all aware, there are many issues in our world today that make climate change relevant.

Environmental problems in our world are causing suffering to many species, and as a result, many creatures are losing their natural habitats.

Human activity poses a harm to wildlife in many different ways, from directly damaging habitat to spreading exotic species and illness. The majority of ecosystems are under several threats.

Each new hazard increases the strain on already-fragile ecosystems and the wildlife that depends on them. 

Habitat Loss

- Sites that contains household trash.

- Landfills discharge various kinds of chemicals to surrounding lands, specially when these landfills are poorly planned and/ or is made from little to no precautions. Landfills with inadequate designs and with no maintenance may lead to groundwater contamination and pollution.  

Improper Use of Land

It is the usage of agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes
The main reasons for the improper usage of these lands are;

Increase in Urbanization - urbanization is making an area more city-like. The increase of urban areas may mean the destruction of rural lands. In today’s modern time many dreams of the city life of big dreams and big opportunities and there is nothing wrong with that. But to create these urban communities, a big part of our nature is being sacrificed and is being destroyed. Though the further destruction of rural lands for the sake of change and advance living can be prevented by well planned constructions and good government. One of the best example for environment-oriented urban community is the Parkroyal in Singapore where each building is required to have greenery equivalent to at least 100% of the land that it was built on.

Rapid Growth of Industries - growth of industries meant the more establishments is needed to be made for these business to compete with others. Big companies takes up big supplies of our natural resources to make products that are sold or used by the mass. They are also the main producers of wastes. Most of this wastes are improperly stored. So the growth of these industries will impact the waste production and the amount of natural resources will be needed to support the business.

The Gaps of Laws and Regulations - There is not enough laws that support and protects our environment.

Improper or unplanned conversion of lands into establishments that humans gain off of. Ex. are mining areas, office spaces, parking areas, road networks, malls and so on. 

Improper Use of Land
Pollution in Nepal
Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution is the disposal of chemicals, mass, or energy to the environment that disrupts our natural resources.
(Air, Water, and Land)

Pollution is the world’s greatest problem. It is not unheard off, and is definitely discussed by many. Pollution is increasing overtime specially as the global crisis, COVID-19, spread all across the world in 2019. Although at the time there was positive change with our air pollution, it impacted negatively with present waste.

Plastic is the main cause of pollution, is littered everywhere, in both land and water, and is also present in the air that we humans breath in.

Pollution has many detrimental effects on the environment, such as the contamination of water sources, the destruction of habitats, and the disruption of ecosystems.

These living beings co-existed on the earth with humans for centuries. Yet, in recent decades, the growth of industries and technology has led to a massive increase in pollution levels.


The decrease in forest areas (cutting trees).

Main cause of this is human activities such as construction works, urbanization, mining, and economic purposes. This cause is a major part of urbanization, although greenery can be revived within the urban area that is made, it is chosen not to or is not considered. Trees and plants are the most important provider for life in us humans. It absorbs the carbon dioxide that we exhale and the green house gasses that human activities emit. It is essential yet deforestation continues on.

Deforestation is the permanent removal of standing forests, which occurs for a variety of reasons and has many devastating consequences.

Deforestation can be caused by both human and natural factors, with human activities such as logging, agricultural expansion, and urbanization being the main drivers of deforestation.

Deforestation in Montalban, Rizal
Population Density around the world

Population that exceeds the sustainable size of a particular environment or habitat.

The population of humans as of 2022 was around 8 Billion. 8 Billion people is nourished by natural resources that comes from our environment.

Definition of Natural Resources: Raw materials that we use to produce energy (such as soil, water, oil, etc.)

We use these resources to make products and supplies such as food, clothing, and building materials ( used for humans basic needs).
But as the the population grows, the more of these resources we will need. To the point that we may run out of it, specially with our non-renewable sources like fossil fuels. Fossil fuels is the number one source of energy that we use to this day in our homes for electricity, and industries for factories and car engines. Fossil fuels has been the leading cause of global warming in 89% from 2018 because of the carbon rich trails it leaves out. Not to mention that fossil fuels is also used to make plastics. It also has negative impacts to us humans.  

Climate Change

Climate change is the biggest threat to the long-term survival of our planet's wildlife. Changes to our climate are being documented all across the planet today. This warming signal is also found in ocean temperatures, soil temperatures, melting glaciers, and polar ice caps. It has been linked to widespread impacts on ecosystems around the planet.

Human activity is to blame for climate change. Scientists have determined that burning coal, oil, and gas accounts for the majority of the observed warming. Based on a thorough knowledge of the atmospheric greenhouse effect and how human activities have been affecting it, this conclusion has been reached. At the same time, it has been determined that there are no other reasonable causes.
1. Sea levels are rising.
 2. Ice caps melt faster.
  3. Drought worsens.
   4. Heatwaves are more frequent.
    5. More wildfires.
     6. Air quality worsens.
      7. Extinction of many species. 

Climate Temperature

In conclusion, we humans generate the most problems that our mother earth has to deal with. All of these types of destruction are human-made and has been increasing for the past centuries. We are far in destruction and if we don’t do anything, there may be no tomorrow. We can still try, with out step at a time, we can still prevent destruction.  

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